Advisory Board

The VtSBDC Advisory Board consists of small business owners and others who interact with small businesses throughout the state, that support the small business community. The function of the Advisory Board is to provide input to VtSBDC management regarding the training, education, and assistance needed by small businesses. Through input on VtSBDC programs from the Advisory Board, VtSBDC can be sure it is delivering high quality, timely products and services that are truly meeting the needs of the small business sector.


Vermont State University

Joan Goldstein, Commissioner
Department of Economic Development


Jeremy Lesniak, Founder
Whistlekick Martial Arts Sparring Gear and Apparel

Patrick Ripley, LEDC Executive Director and Secretary

Lamoille Economic Development Corporation

Janice St. Onge, Deputy Director
Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund

John Boutin, Publisher
Vermont Business Magazine

Dave Rubel
Community National Bank

Ben Doyle
Preservation Trust of Vermont