Before you make any major business decisions, we encourage you to get to know your numbers. Where is your business right now? Where would you like to go? How do you get there and what resources do you need? 

The following chart is designed to guide you through specific action items and decision points. The outline has links (in green) to helpful tools such as webinars, spreadsheet templates, reference material and more.  

Recovery Plan - Financials

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Step 1: Assess: Current State of Your Business

Step 2: Assumptions: Building 12 Month Projections 

COVID-19 Recovery Plan, Finances & Financial Planning:

  1. COVID-19 Loan & Capitalization Options 
    1. Debt Assessment (Self-guided debt calculator) 
  2. Financial Projections
    1. Back to Basics: Revisit Your Financial Projections (Coming Soon: Projections Template)  
      1. Add NEW safety and messaging expenses (outlined in Assumptions) such as additional cleaning time and supplies, physical space changes, cost of new marketing efforts, safety equipment and training, etc. 
      2. Consider pivot opportunities 
      3. Explore various scenarios (25/50/75% of current revenues) 
  3. Ask yourself the very tough question: Can my business survive and ultimately thrive in the “new normal”? 
    1. If you plan to reopen: 
      1. Rolling 13 Week Cash Flow
      2. Set a date to reopen 
      3. Create a staffing plan 
    2. If you do not plan to reopen:
      1. Business Transitions
      2. Succession Planning
      3. Exit Strategy 
  4. Set calendar dates to revisit and review all three key components 

Additional Resources