Northeast Kingdom Sporting Goods Store Carries on Tradition
Hunting and fishing have long been Vermont traditions that many local sportsmen prepare for all year long. And one young Northeast Kingdom entrepreneur has turned his passion for these outdoors activities into a full-time venture.
Theodore Benoit, owner of Lead and Tackle Co. in Lyndonville, recently opened the sporting goods store at the 31 Middle Street location after attending nearby Lyndon State College, where he focused his education on business.
“I am passionate about the industries I am in and ready to take on the challenges of a small business using my prior experience in retail and business education,” Benoit said. “There was a huge void left in the community and it seemed like the perfect scenario for me to get started,” he said.
“This is a recreation business so I sell fun outdoor activities to all ages,” Benoit said. “The youth involvement and people with new interests is great to see and promising for the future of hunting, fishing and shooting sports in this area.”
Even though Benoit had experience and a good local education, he took advantage of additional resources by choosing to utilize the help of Vermont Small Business Development Center Area Advisor Ross Hart, “to have someone with great business knowledge and instincts on the outside looking in asking me questions and giving me insight on steps to take and things to consider as I moved along,” he said.
“Ross was extremely helpful in helping me realize success early,” Benoit said. “From day one he asked me many tough questions, forcing me to think on my own … People like Ross (Hart) and organizations such as VtSBDC make the Northeast Kingdom a unique place to gain personal and professional business knowledge from someone with years of experience that is close to the community.”
For more information about Lead and Tackle Co. check out www.facebook.com/LeadTackleCo and for more information about VtSBDC and the services provided by area advisors check out www.vtsbdc.org.