Less Risk…More Security

Doing business can sometimes feel risky, but there are ways to feel more secure. This webinar explains how business owners can spot potential threats to their businesses, and make them more manageable. We focus on different risks businesses face, setting up a business entity, getting insurance, following safety standards, writing good waivers and contracts, and more.

Vermont Law & Graduate School’s Entrepreneurship Legal Laboratory team presented this webinar on October 27, 2022, for Vermont business owners in partnership with the Vermont Small Business Development Center through the Community Navigator Pilot Program. Speakers were

  • Nicole Killoran, Professor of Law, Director, Entrepreneurship Legal Laboratory
  • Oliver R. Goodenough, CCO, Research Professor of Law, Author, Researcher
  • Mary Suttmeier, VLGS Student
  • Kate Frederick, VLGS Student
  • Stephanie Nham, VLGS Student

Topics in this webinar included:

  • What kinds of risks do businesses face?
  • What business entities can protect you?
  • How do you know if the business is at risk?
  • What happens if something goes wrong?
  • How does insurance help?
  • How do you defend yourself and your business?
  • What if you agree to defend someone else?

Our speakers gave many examples of responsibilities or liabilities of businesses, what risk looks like for business owners, and how to protect your business against it. They also explained some common tools businesses use to protect against risk that included:

  • Insurance
  • Waivers and consent forms
  • Safety standards
  • Labeling
  • Contracts
  • Indemnification

Connect with the Vermont Law & Graduate School’s Community Navigator services that provide legal education and (for qualifying business owners) legal support: VermontLaw.edu/cnpp.

Find more upcoming (or past) webinars and resources to help you start and grow your Vermont business at:


This program is funded (in part) through a grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration as part of the Community Navigator Pilot Program.