October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month
2 minute read

A Quick Guide to VtSBDC Resources for Vermont’s Small Business Owners & Employee

If you are in Vermont, October brings to mind pumpkins and spectacular views. For the small business community, this month also signifies Cybersecurity Awareness Month when inboxes fill with warnings about computer fraud, digital scams, and the myriad of risks we all face when we do business in a digital world. In many cases, the warnings go unheeded. Why? The most common reason lies in thinking that a devastating computer breach only happens to bigger companies. How many times have we heard from a smaller entity, “That could never happen to me.”

The advising team at VtSBDC, working with hundreds of Vermont’s small businesses every year, has seen otherwise: small businesses are just as, if not more, vulnerable to a cybersecurity incident that has the potential to stop a business in its tracks. But instead of scare tactics, VtSBDC has shared several resources below to encourage you to think about small measures you can take to protect your business. 

This basic foundation paves the way for a helpful article and comprehensive webinar appearing here in November from Sergio Alvares, VtSBDC Statewide Advisor, Strategic Projects, with a focus on cybersecurity. Titled Are You Prepared to Protect Your Business from Fraud and Scams?, Sergio will walk us through a more comprehensive look at simple, actionable steps you can take without being a technology expert. Easy things you can do that will help you and your employees prevent the worst from happening. Here’s a sneak preview on what will be covered: 

How Our Blind Spots Can Be a Great Asset
21st Century Fraud and Scams
Understanding Fraudsters and Scammers
How to Be Prepared to Protect Your Business from Fraud and Scams
…and more

In the meantime, following are a few resources in recognition of Cybersecurity Awareness Month:

As always, please feel free to contact your VtSBDC advisor for guidance on cybersecurity protection or other resources. And watch for Sergio Alvares’ complete article and webinar coming up in November: he will bring the topic close to home, providing you with easy, relatable tips to protect the digital health of your business, now and into the future.

Looking for more? Check out our resources page or request advising from a regional advisor!