Celebrate Women’s History Month & Women-Owned Businesses in southern Vermont.
March 23, 2023 | Brattleboro, VT
Join us throughout the day in Brattleboro to learn, connect, and celebrate Vermont’s womxn-owned businesses. Options for the day include: workshops, speed networking with lenders and resource providers, stops into downtown businesses, and the evening reception.
Whether you own a business, are thinking of starting one, or just want to see what Vermont’s small business community has to offer, all are welcome!
You decide how you will navigate your options for the day:
• 10 – 11:30 am: Business Planning Basics
• 12 – 1:30 pm: 9 Steps to Increasing Awareness for Your Business
3- 4 pm: Brattleboro Business Hop: check out the area’s vibrant small business community
Stop in at the following participating businesses in Brattleboro: ZPOTS, 141 Main St.; Tierra Botanics, 16 Harmony Place; Bario Neal, 22 High St., Suite 201; Harmony Collective Artist Gallery, 49 Elliot St.
4-5:30 pm: QuickConnect: connect with leanders and statewide service providers offering insights and materials to help your small business. Start collaborations and conversations with lenders, business advisors, and experts
5:30-7 pm: Reception & Networking hosted by the Vermont Women’s Fund: celebrate the day with food, fun, and continue your networking conversations
All activities are free. Walk-ins are welcome but we kindly ask that you register so we can plan the day.
Come back to find our business hop map
Questions? Please contact Sara at smunro@vtsbdc.org or 802.431.8100.
Business Plan Basics
10 – 11:30 am at The Stone Church, 210 Main St, Brattleboro
Join the Center for Women & Enterprise for Business Planning Basics!
This workshop will provide an overview of the elements commonly found in a business plan. This workshop is interactive and conversational, questions are encouraged! We’ll cover:
• Benefits of writing a business plan and why you might need one.
• Overview of each section of a business plan.
• Research and writing tips.
• Resources and supports available to you throughout the state.
And most importantly, we’ll cover your questions!
Workshop is free; please register ahead of time.
Instructor: Faye Longo, CWE CNPP Project Manager
9 Steps to Increasing Awareness for Your Business
12 – 1:30 pm at The Stone Church, 210 Main St, Brattleboro
Learn some easy tips to:
• Build relationships with your target audiences
• Enhance your business brand
• Clarify your message to all of your marketing channels
Workshop is free; please register ahead of time.
Instructor: Phyllis Ershowsky, VtSBDC & CNPP Marketing & Communications Specialist
This day is brought to you by our hosts Small Business Administration Vermont District Office, Vermont Women’s Fund, Downtown Brattleboro Alliance, The Stone Church, Center for Women & Enterprise, Vermont Small Business Development Center.
This event is in partnership with the Community Navigator Pilot Program, funded in part through a grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration.